Monday, April 6, 2009

So Maybe It's A Good Thing

So I ordered some clothes from the JCP catalog and they came in the mail last week. I got them out and started trying them on but they just didn't work out. You know what I mean...the shirt was too loose at the top and not loose enough at the waist, the jeans were just a little snugger than they needed to be for comfort sake, etc. So today after work I took the long way home in order to return them. I get up to the register and put the bag on the counter. The lady behind the counter starts the whole return process and 25 minutes later $15 more than the order price was added back to my credit card. Yep, you just read that right. Somehow when she rang up the return it added up to $15 more than what I had paid for them in the first place! Both the cashier and I tried to figure out what the difference was, but in the end we couldn't find it! So, while I was completely bummed about the clothes not fitting it turned out to be a good thing for my little credit card! Ain't life grand? I decided to be a gracious winner and bought the cutest pair of silver earrings! I'd show a pic, but my sister has the camera tonight!

1 comment:

  1. You and your earrings..LOL. Glad you got a little "gift" when you returned the clothes.
