Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Weekend with the Ladies!

So, I'm in the middle of packing my bags for a little getaway with the ladies from church! We're headed to a little cabin in Jasper, AR for a Women's Treat. (Notice: "Treat" vs. "Retreat"). Jasper is right along the Buffalo River and we've gotten ourselves a little spot that overlooks the river. What a way to wake up in the morning! We always have such a fun time together and with us being out in the middle of no-where I can only imagine the kind of shinanigins we're going to get ourselves into!

I think I might be more excited about the chance to get away from work and all the craziness that's been going on. Have you ever felt like you were the thrid wheel in somebody else's story? I SO get that all the time. It's almost like high school all over again! I had to remind myself over and over yesterday that I was an adult and had to act like one - but let me tell was HARD! I'd like to be able to say that it was the easiest thing in the world to shrug off their whispers and uninclusiveness, but instead I pouted while sitting at my desk. (Not that anyone else saw, of course, but deep inside of me the little kid was at least partially satisfied.) I keep wishing the somehow I'd win the million and not have to go to work at all! I think I could make the half million I'd come away with after taxes last for at least 5-10 years!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that work is drama for you - that's never fun. Enjoy your getaway!
